Saturday, October 13, 2012

Movies Vs Books


How many times did you read the book and then while watching the movie your going no........ thats wrong? That didnt happen in the book.

Reading the book before watching the movie do have their good points and bad ones.  For one the book explain certain things much better in detail which make the movie much more enjoyable

The hunger games series

What is it htat takes a great book to a great movie and better yet to a "cult classis"  The era of the series of books being made into a movie began for me with Harry Potter.  After watching the first Harry Potter movie (Harry Potter and the philosiver stone) I wanted to read the books.

One do get attach to those character and books and couldn't help feeling sad after that last page was read in deathly hollows.  But there was still hope the movie was in the making.  So after the last seen played on the big screen one couldng help to came to the relazation that this was the end of an era.

But don't fear Twilight was near and so a new generations and era was born named twihearts.

With the final movie screening in November 2012 and with the new era beginning again with the hunger game I can't help wondering what will the next book series be after the Hunger games.

So my quesion for you is do you prefer
Movie than the book
Book than the movie

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